Part II: Taking dominion while abiding in ChristJUST RELEASED: A Free Man’s First Steps to Ministry
Part II: Taking dominion while abiding in Christ I began this series with a look back. First and foremost, looking back on my deliverance from the bondage of sin, possible only by placing full faith in Jesus Christ, who died in my place and was resurrected by the power of God so that He may go and prepare a place in eternal paradise for all who believe in Him. Second, I looked back on the blessings of incarceration. It’s easy in prison to spend time in the Word of God and in prayer, easy to find brothers to Bible study with, and easy to line up at the door every time an officer called for church. The challenge is carrying over those same habits to the “free world.” There are worldly needs I knew must be satisfied as soon as possible following my release from John R. Lindsey State Jail - legal transportation and a job chief among them. But I also knew my relationship with God must remain my top priority even while fulfilling these needs. It’s about taking dominion of my life while still surrendering each day to Christ. It’s about walking with HIm in all that I do, instead of trying to squeeze him in when it’s convenient. And as I’ve done this, as I’ve maintained my early morning Bible study time, as I’ve continued to go steadfastly to HIm in prayer for all things, as I’ve attended church faithfully in the weeks since my release, I’ve already been immeasurably blessed. With my father’s help, my car has new tires, headlights and wiper blades, a new bumper cover, and its oil and all fluids have been topped off. Yes, the ‘ole Toyota Camry has been through a lot, but she is now properly insured and registered and is purring like a kitten while cruising down the road. Most important, there is nothing illegal in that car, because there is nothing illegal in my life. Jesus Christ freed me from bondage to all that, and every day I can see that in walking hand in hand with HIm, I don’t find myself in places where I’m face-to-face with that devil. The job search was frustrating at first, as two prospective employers turned me down because of my criminal history. But just this week, glory to God, I secured employment, and did so with firm boundaries in place to protect my church attendance. I am finding as I walk closer to Christ each day, that my discipleship is opening doors, not closing them. Do I drive my dream car? Am I beginning my dream job? No on both accounts. But I can accept these humble new beginnings, trusting that if I am faithful in what is least, the day will come when I am trusted to be faithful also in much. Of course, Luke 16:10 doesn’t end there. It goes on to say that he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. I’ve been unjust with little and with a lot. That led nowhere except federal then state confinement. So as I move forward, walking freely in Christ, I know I must live by the words of Paul, who wrote, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall.” (I Corinthians 10:12) For me, taking heed means following the basic instructions of the 15th and 101st Psalms. To abide in Christ I must walk uprightly, work righteousness, speak truth, do no evil to my neighbor, despise all that is evil, and honor those who fear the Lord. I must behave wisely, set nothing wicked before my eyes, and refuse to let the work of those who fall away cling to me. David ended the 15th Psalm saying, “He who does these things shall never be moved.” As “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14), that is, as I press toward fulfilling my calling to share the gospel, especially with prisoners confined by the same criminal justice system from which I was recently released, the next step is proving the concerns of the world - my new job, relationships, etc - will not move me away from the One who saved me, the One who delivered me, the One who is preparing an eternal home for me. Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. “ (John 15:5) I am daily discovering how taking dominion of my life is much easier when I abide in Christ, the very vine that has supported me through so much. Part I: Looking Back On The Way ForwardThe start of a new year inevitably brings about new resolutions, goals, plans and more. Having been released from the John R. Lindsey State Jail in Jacksboro on December 21, the new year truly is, for me more than most, a time of new beginnings.
While in many ways I am beginning anew in the “free world,” the process of starting over actually began while still incarcerated. Many see incarceration as the storm they are going through, but I saw it as time to recover from the storm I was living in. I saw it as a time to be restored, to heal, to truly surrender to the Lord the last parts of my fleshly life I was clinging to and allow His Spirit to regenerate me. I look back and see many reasons my incarceration was a blessing. I have an extended period of sobriety to build on, numerous unhealthy relationships have been naturally severed, and healthy, Godly relationships with select family and friends have been restored. I talk to God on a different level than before, and He graciously reveals His Living Word to me in new, exciting ways every day. A great Bible promise I have found myself going back to time and again during the final weeks of my incarceration and in my initial two weeks of freedom is found in Isaiah 41:15, where God, speaking of the restoration ahead for the people of Israel, said, “Behold, I will make you into a new threshing sledge with sharp teeth; You shall thresh the mountains and beat them small, and make the hills like chaff.” No doubt, many obstacles lie ahead, but I have faith I can thresh - or pulverize, as translated in the NASB - those mountains. I believe that with the faith of a mustard seed I can “...say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible…” (Matthew 17:20, NKJV). Time slows down on the “inside,” and while that weighs heavily on many inmates, for me it meant hours of daily Bible study and fellowship with like-minded men in a faith-based dorm. I told my father once on the phone that strange as it may sound, I actually needed to be diligent to live in the free world as I was living “behind bars,” continuing to end each day closer to Christ than when it began. Observing this, I have marked this Scripture as a key reminder as I move forward: “...To the degree that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us be of the same mind.” -Philippians 3:16 (NKJV) I have attained great discipline in studying the Word daily, in spending time in meditation, prayer and praise, and in being an ambassador for Christ among fellow inmates. So, to this degree already attained, I must walk by the same rule in the “free world,” and I must be of the same mind - the same SOBER, God-centered mindset that has helped me come so far in my relationship with Christ. So the first step to ministry for this free man is not looking forward, but instead glancing back and taking note. I do not mean looking back longingly on a life of bondage to sin, but simply taking pause to reflect on the blessings of incarceration and on the mercy and grace God has afforded me. Before turning my focus too far forward, I must remember what got me here. I must always live in heartfelt gratitude for the blood Jesus shed to deliver me from my sins. In looking back on that deliverance, the path forward becomes more clear. Why support prison ministry?"The Benefits of Supporting a Faith-Based Restorative Justice Prison Ministry"
At Life on the Rock International, we believe in the transformative power of faith and the importance of supporting offenders as they work towards rehabilitation and reintegration into society. That's why we offer a range of faith-based restorative justice programs, including prison ministry, to help offenders heal and find purpose in their lives. But what exactly are the benefits of supporting a faith-based restorative justice prison ministry? Here are just a few:
Testimony ChurchApril 30, 2022 Life on the Rock Prison Ministry Fundraiser and Community Out reach. BBQ Brisket, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Lewisville Fire Department, Lewisville PD, CMA Bikers, Petting Zoo, Water Baptisms, Donations from the following ministry partners: Tom Thumb Store - Lewisville, TX Red Barn BBQ - Colleyville, TX Sam's Club - Grapevine, TX Blagg Automotive - Grapevine, TX Bimbo Breads -Ft Worth, TX Testimony Church - Lewisville, TX Thank you tremendously to the above mentioned vendors who gave...Life on the Rock gratefully thanks the following who helped: Pastor Cody, Kelly Mahon Aaron and Diane Davis John Moreland Jacobe Turner Randy Tyler, Patricia, Brandon, Momma, and Moses Pam and Cyrus Campbell Woody Patrick Judy and Teddy Moff Judy Sizemore John Caruthers Our Life on the Rock family of ministers and their families Our families, Stephanie, Jay, and TJ Holyfield Your contributions mattered so much, and for everyone who helped and gave and who I have not mentioned here...may God bless you abundantly. LOTRI - wants to congratulate James G. and Stoli on their WeddingThe entire Life on the Rock Family want to welcome Mr. and Mrs. James and Stoli Guerra to the ministry family...officially. We love you and pray for success and longevity in you holy matrimony. In Jesus name Amen!!!
Help us congratulate this Amazing couple (comment below) Mission to MexicoIn December of 2021 from the 17th - 19th Life on the Rock International took a mission team into Ciudad Victoria Tamaulipas and had services with a children's ministry led by Pastor Pedro and his wife Adrianna. Then on Saturday Missionaries James Guerra, Ronald Corrigan, Roberto German Diaz Castillo, Raul Gallegos, accompanied by others entered into a maximum security prison at Cedes Victoria which translates into English as "You give up Victory". The team were then green lighted to take the gospel to every offender in every area of the unit. Our ministers visited, the Chapel and held services there preaching and teaching the gospel, they went into the lock-down areas, general population living quarters, inmate visitation areas, and every other within the prison to share the love of Christ. On Sunday they went to a church in Ciudad Victoria Tamaulipas, and had an amazing service and touched many lives. During the mission trip James reported that the team had to travel down a very dangerous highway and there was an accident on the highway that claimed 4 lives. Please keep our missionaries in prayer and please help fund these missions into Mexico. You can give through the donate button on the main page of our website, or you can give through our PayPal account.([email protected]) We would gladly receive a check for your support to our PO Box address: Life on the Rock international, PO Box 3021 Grapevine, TX 76099-3021 Missionary James G.On Saturday October 17, 2020 we (Evangelist Ronald Corrigan and Missionary James Guerra) set on to Matamoros, Tamps. MX to do a park rally event for the community. We arrived at the park early and set up a stage and Arturo Corpus brought food (Rice & Beans) for people that would come to the event. The band would be there at 4:00 PM so we had time to walk door to door around 2:00 PM. and invite families from the community to come out and join us. Well, they did! We had over 100 people men, women and children come to the concert. We had testimonies, Music and preaching of the word of God. All hamburgers and hotdogs for the crowd. Seven people raised their hand to receive Christ for the first time and prayers were given at the alter for healing, restoring relationships and salvation. PTL! On September 20, 2020 International Minister James Guerra relocated from Dallas, TX to the South Texas area known as the Valley. Here's a short video of his new digs and his new ministry which will focus on going into Mexico and the Rio Grande Valley area of South Texas.
If you feel led to help support this ministry, you may give by clicking the button below... Life on the Rock International Missionary James G. took a team into Pacho Viejo Prison in Veracruz Mexico during the COVID-19 Pandemic in July of 2020 to deliver hygiene kits to the indigent offenders most needing these supplies. We want to thank our supporters whose kind donations have made it possible to be the hands and feet of Jesus in these most dark places. James and a ministry team of Pastor German Diaz, Pastor Arturo Corpus, Chaplain Gerardo Jurado, Elio Ollivares, Professor Hilda Gaytan all entered into the Unit to deliver peace and hope and love with the offer of the free gift of Salvation. They passed out Spanish Bibles, Spanish Faith to Faiths, Spanish Karla Faye Tucker, ministry tracts and other materials donated by our supporters. If you are called to support this mission then please donate to our team through the LOTRI home page. (Click Here) Recovery Rehab CenterEven though being in the middle of a COVID-19 pandemic, Missionary James Guerra took a team into the Reynosa, Mexico, Recovery Rehab Center and visited both men and women as they delivered Bibles, ministry tracts, the Karla Faye Tucker Book, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the least of these. Matt 25:36...
Everyone present in the Rehab center who was able to hear the Gospel message prayed the prayer of Salvation. About 40 residents were present and all were glad to have visitors and the materials that were handed out due to the restrictions imposed during this time in the world. A blessing to all who attended and the ministers and missionaries were certain of God's favour and protection during this time. Please consider the help that you may give by supporting the work of the ministry both internationally and locally. To find out more, please use the contact us form. Mexico's 2020 Vision YouTube Video of the TripJuvenile Facility
Samuel Hears God I Samuel 3 22 Young men in Juvenile Facility hear the message on the call of Samuel. Asked if they too want to hear God? All stood up for Jesus Victory Home Monterrey I will REBUKE the devourer for you sakes Mal 3:11 Men who have addictions to alcohol and drugs come forward to be delivered wanting God to rebuke the devourer. Personal prayer given under the annointing. Men's Prison Monterrey Special Forces receive assignment Revelation 2 Over twenty men responded to the call of God to become His Special Forces, behind enemy lines. They stand to receive God's Commission to be His special soldiers. Rehab Center Monterrey Aglow with the Spirit of Jesus The team met with the director who's vision and call is to reach and disciple thousands. The Word for him is to take the light into the darkest it will shine the brightest! Women's Prison Monterrey Power of agreement to shake the city. The women stood in agreement to deliver their lives and their families. Several women responded to the calling of God! Women's Prison Reynosa A small gathering of believers One special assigment from God came to a woman who will be a supply to the church in Mexico, after she is released back into the US. Men's Prison Reynosa Turning a Saul into a Paul In an open air service, few attended due to the Cartel control over the prison and their watchers. So the message of turning from a Saul into a Paul fell on the select and few. The Bible says "Many are called, but few are chosen" Victory Home Reynosa Do not be Doubleminded Many respond to the call to come out of the world and to not be doubleminded. Personal prayer was made as many cam forward. There was a powerful impartation of the Holy Spirit confiming. Everything was made perfect in Christ for this whole trip. The Favour and the Smile of the Lord was on the team their evey step of the way. OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!! Ron Corrigan Units we visited All We will be adding additional Units to the ministry calendar in 2020. Hilltop Unit in Gatesville already confirmed. Number of Services in the Units we visitedMTC Bridgeport Unit-8 services, averaged 60 - 70 men per service MTC Lindsey Unit-6 services, averaged 60 - 70 men per service MTC Sanders Estes Unit-46 services, averaged 5 - 35 men per service MTC Sanders Estes Unit-8 services, averaged 30 - 70 men per service TDCJ Boyd Unit-3 services, averaged 150 - 220 men per service TDCJ Coffield Unit-18 services, averaged 30 - 280 men per service TDCJ Estelle Unit-36 services, averaged 30 - 100 men per service TDCJ Hamilton Unit-11 services, averaged 60 - 80 men per service TDCJ Hughes Unit-1 service, average 150 men TDCJ Lane Murray Unit-2 services, average 100 women per service TDCJ Le Blanc Unit-6 services, average 70 - 80 men per service TDCJ Le Blanc Unit-1 (3 day) crusade visited 1150 men this service TDCJ Mountainview Unit-4 services (2 dates@2services), 30 - 150 women per service TDCJ Powledge Unit- 1 service, 80 men per service Volunteer growth in 2019The number of Volunteers at the beginning of 2019 that we had taken into a prison ministry service were at about 50, by the end of 2019 Life on the Rock has taken over 120 volunteers into the services at the above mentioned Units. In 151 services at 12 different Prisons, over 70 Volunteers visited approximately 2400 offenders in the TDCJ/MTC Units presenting the Gospel and making calls to Salvation available through our Worship/Ministry services. If you are compelled to go into the Earth and present the Gospel to the least of these, feel free to contact us and let us know where you are from and what you would like to see Life on the Rock expanding the ministry into by becoming a ministry partner. We give all the praise honor and Glory to Jesus Christ. When we go into the prisons and have services with the offenders, if we leave and they remember nothing but Jesus Christ who redeems and transforms lives, then we have had a successful event. At Life on the Rock, "It's all about Jesus!!!" Life on the Rock, |
Nikki and I drove in from Grapevine to Beaumont, TX for the weekend having left the Coffield Unit where we had just finished the Bridges To Life, Faith Based Dorm graduation. And afterwards until about 4:15 pm, the Chaplains asked me to cover the main Chapel office for a few hours as acting CVCA. Which proved uneventfull, but we spent a few hours in fellowship with Christian brothers in white. We arrived to the Shepherd's Inn around 10:00 PM and got settled in after a short meeting and prayers. |
Life on the Rock International
* In July of 2019, James G. left his job his family and his home to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ from Dallas, TX to Mexico.
On July 4th while America was celebrating our Independence by watching fireworks, James drove overnight from Dallas to Del Rio, TX. He picked up a pastor friend "Pilo", and left for Mexico, Piedras Negras Prison. Keep in mind James drove all night and had not slept a wink.
He returned after 10 years to this place where he had previously sown the seed of the Gospel to find a good return on his harvest. Imagine this, 10 years ago while the Drug Cartel was having a BBQ gang meeting just 10 feet away from their crusade/revival, while drinking beers in their nice clothes "Offenders", the cartel who at that time ran man responds to the Altar and accepts Christ as his Lord and Saviour.
Fast forward to this same place 10 years later on this July 4th weekend in 2019, this same man returns to hug James after the long absence and James is blown away by the testimony and questions of this man. This man asked James, "Do you remember me?" and proceeds to tell James he is now the Sr. Pastor of this Prison Community Church. James inquired as to how he had been? And his response, was that the words of the testimonies and preaching from that fateful day
10 years ago had touched him and he had completely began living for Christ Jesus. He described how he had repented and began living a Christ Centered life and was now the lead Pastor inside the prison conducting evangelism events himself. Amen, Hallelujah!!!
The fruit of our labor had become apparent and the parable of the sower in Matthew talks about a 100 fold was living proof to that truth!
On July 6th we as a team visited Val Verde Correctional Detention Center where there are over 2000 immigrants being deported from Del Rio, Tx back to their countries. James and the team discovered a new missionary field in the young men of this detention facility who were speaking English and living in America under the responsibility of their families having been brought over here at a very young age, and now being deported back to a country in which they lived only briefly or not even at all.
As they are being deported into Mexico, the Drug Cartels are waiting for them at the border to recruit them whether the like it or not. Not a lifestyle choice many would make having the desire to remain Americans. But due to their parents negligence, they did not have proper identification to remain in the USA.
As a missionary, James presented the gospel to as many as would listen, having been emboldened by the encounter just a day before from seeing the Pastor in the Prison who heard the gospel 10 years prior...James and the team of Cornerstone Ministries preached about God's love and redemption even in the most dire of circumstances.
Life on the Rock International
Reynosa Tamaulipas
* In May of 2019, James G. left his job his family and his home to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ from Dallas, TX to Mexico.
He left on the night of Tuesday May 21st to get to the border of McAllen, TX in the morning of Wednesday, May 22nd. He picked up two pastors that were waiting for him, Arturo Corpus, and German Diaz...they crossed the border and entered Reynosa. From there, they traveled to Monterrey, in order to be at the Topo Chico Prison by noon. Having driven all night and all morning James, did not let fatigue stop him from this mission and from preaching the gospel to the men who lived there. Having received approval from the leaders of the Zeta Cartel, they accepted the missionaries with their Bibles, tracts, and food and clothing.
Approximately 30 men came to the auditorium to receive Bibles, clothing, food, and ministry tracts. The message was about forgiveness and men responded. The team prayed for about 10 men who first of all asked forgiveness from God! And, forgave others wrongs done to them. Christ allowed many men to receive alot of healing this day...keep in mind these are men with sentences of 100, 200, and 300 years. The government of Mexico does not support the 'Death Penalty' therefore, alot of these men will never leave prison and they will spend the rest of their lives behind these bars.
-James fell dead to sleep that night!!!
Thursday May 23rd, the next morning saw the team travelling to Cadereyta Prison with the intent of entering and sharing Christ with a new breed of criminals, "The Gulf Cartel!!!" Once inside, there were 8 teammates going in, all except for 1, James Guerra whose name was not on the list of approved volunteers/missionaries. James waited upon the Lord outside the prison, and Glory to God, the Warden was on-site and came to the front gate asking why James was still outside the Unit. She gave the final approval that James having driven all the way from the DFW area would be allowed to participate. Amen!!!
Having joined the team, about 30 of these men gathered of the 3000 men assigned to this Cadereyta Prison. It makes one wonder at the darkness inside. With the service going again the ministers passed out Bibles, tracts, clothes and food. There are live and flourishing church communities within these prison walls which is a blessing for all to see and be a part of.
3 Disciples
9 servant volunteers entered the unit to have a service with 77 offenders who were all in eagerness anticipating what God would do on this night in March of 2019.
We started with an amazing worship time with the Bridgeport Unit Choir and Band. They ushered in the spirit and we all got to sing and lift up the name of the Lord.
Introducing the ministry of Life on the Rock we then read an Old Testament and New Testament scripture before asking one of the brothers to open up the service in prayer...full of the Holy Spirit we all felt God move into the Gym which quickly became His Sanctuary. My wife and I talked quickly about how much we love the men and love the ministry God has blessed us with.
Up first was Holly, this being her first time into prison we all prayed God would use her mightily and He did. She shared about being able to share of the loss of her brother to suicide in an environment in which that topic alone is almost taboo being any volunteer who would hear from an offender of a desire to take their own life must report it immediately, creating a less than safe place to share of this brokenness in one's life.
Mrs. Laura shared a Bible verse that has become the backbone and foundation for a marriage in the ministry that she saw prevelant throughout the theme of her recent wedding to Rock teammate and leader Robert Moore.
We are always amazed at the incredible ministry we are able to do within the prison system and the men we are able to reach, when Jesus is preached. First time into a prison with Life on the Rock after meeting us inside a unit was Wilbur and he was so fired up and exciting, it seemed the men were eager to place his coming back in with an inner desire to change and the willingness to now come in sometime in their futures as ministers of this ministry to the least of these. God have your Way!
Another man delivered from a life inside prison and the gangs and violence preached about being filled with the Holy Ghost by being born again in a cell inside Ad-Seg where Jesus came to meet him. Jerry is a brother Nikki and I met when he reached out to us to take us up on the offer of helping him when he returned to the DFW area after meeting Life on the Rock in one of the largest prisons in TDCJ. A man of his word he called and he touched base with the ministry through not taking no for an answer and that has led to his success on this side of the Razor Wire.
Brother Woody from Waterside Church, a great blessing to this ministry was able to show how being a young Christian does not mean deference to a more mature man of God. Christ can use a willing servant so his message on this night was to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and be filled with God's purpose and go and be the Church!
Bringing the main message was JD who delivered every expectation I have for a disciple, a message that is all about Jesus. When asked to preach impromtu, he fulfilled the scripture in 1 Peter 3:15, to sanctify the Lord God in your heart and be ready always to give a reason for the hope that is in you.
Closing the service in prayer and supplication for a young man in the struggle was Robert whom I always find diligent in the Lord's business of salvation and resurrection power.
If you think that any of this sounds like something you would want to be part of...remeber to visit those who are in prison as if you yourself were in bonds with them. Hebrews 13:3
If we can get you to understand, that Life on the Rock is all about Jesus and not about me, or any of the other teammates, then you may be able to also understand, that this ministry is yours, and we will only be as effective as the least member of the team, not the greatest which is why Jesus said the first shall be last and the last shall be first.
Please invest your time, talent, and tithe into the ministry of kingdom building by proclaiming the good news of JESUS Christ! Amen.
John Moreland
Nicole Fisher
James Guerra
January 2024
December 2022
May 2022
March 2022
January 2022
November 2020
September 2020
July 2020
June 2020
February 2020
December 2019
July 2019
June 2019
March 2019
January 2019
MTC Bridgeport Unit
MTC Lindsey Unit
MTC Sanders Estes Unit
TDCJ Boyd Unit
TDCJ Coffield Unit
TDCJ Estelle Unit
TDCJ Hamilton Unit
TDCJ Hughes Unit
TDCJ Lane Murray Unit
TDCJ Le Blanc Unit
TDCJ Mountainview Unit
TDCJ Powledge Unit